Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough
Portrait of Haley McGough


an examination of the Body from the files of the Artopsy

Everybody has a body. Science and religion may explain this stardust meat vessel but art sees it all from the whole to the part, the beauty to the horror, fun house mirrors to crystal clarity and back again. We are a group of artists who have traded the studio smock for the coroner’s white coat. Our exploration is always pushing no matter how much blood we get on us because we seek understanding. With our scalpels and forceps, we trace the obstruction, extricate the absurdity, document the strangeness and measure the mortality of this sacred organic machine. This exhibition is our heartfelt examination, the response to our electric nerves, the files of the Artopsy.

Portrait of Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts

Studio Art - Painting

they/themMultidisciplinary artist/internet creature from the mid-west,
exploring the experience of non-binary identity and a digital-
native upbringing in the realms of videogames and online
community. Originally from St. Louis, MO, they moved to
Austin TX in 2012. Their current body of work mostly
concerned with the tactility of oil paint on substrate,
creating images rich with pentimento and texture.
They received their BFA in Studio Art from Texas
State University.

Michael Roberts
Quarantine Painting , 2020
Oil on canvas, 48" x 60"

Michael Roberts
Virtual Journey of Self , 2019
Oil on panel, 48" x 60"

Michael Roberts
Entanglement , 2019
Oil on canvas, 32" x 32"

Portrait of Courtney Pool

Courtney Pool

Studio Art

Why not Art for Art’s sake?

Digital, 24" x 17"

Digital, 28" x 40"

Digital, 33" x 27"

Portrait of Dennis Moore

Dennis Moore

Studio Art

I am a multi-media artist who primarily works in drawing, painting
, collage, and video art. Currently I am focused on large scale paintings
using strong elements of abstraction, pattern, and color with some
figuration. I want the observer to experience a tangible expression of
raw creative energy and in that sense my work relates to those
movements in art that value direct expression such as tribal/indigenous
art, outsider art, and children's art. In seeming contradiction to this
love of the raw is the simultaneous embrace of the art and drawings of
the comic book, illustrations of all types and the paintings of the old
masters. My subjects include strange beings and misfits that
populate street scenes and inhabit a wide variety of liminal zones.
This multitude of imagined forms is mirrored in a myriad of abstract
and organic forms and together they combine and separate as one
becomes the other in my work. My hope is that this artwork can be
appreciated regardless of the cultural background of the viewer and
that one comes away with a feeling of mystery and a hint of the

Interior Pathology , 2020
Acrylic on Canvas, 48" x 60"

Streets of Consciousness , 2020
Acrylic on Canvas, 48" x 60"

Silent Emissary II , 2020
Acrylic on Canvas, 48" x 60"

Portrait of Eythan Chandler

Eythan Chandler

Studio Art - Sculpture

Eythan Chandler is a Houston born artist based in San Marcos,
TX working in multi-media sculpture. Currently pursuing his BFA
in Sculpture from Texas State University, Eythan visits the ideas
behind pushing his vulnerability within his work. Seeing the human
body as a material itself, he uses performance to create prints,
sculptural objects, installations, and forms of documentation.
Through the use of the body, Eythan’s works also include sensory
inclusion of the audience either through audible or kinetic means.

Pentagram , 2020
Pillow, cotton fabric, cotton rope
24" x 17" x 10"

Bikini , 2020
Pillow, cotton fabric, cotton rope
24" x 17" x 10"

Munenawa , 2020
Pillow, cotton fabric, cotton rope
24" x 17" x 10"

Portrait of Rachel Tucker

Rachel Tucker


Rachel Evelyn Tucker is an experimental photographer based in
Central Texas whose primary work focuses on the relationship between
the body and space. She is particularly interested in the spatial relations that
can be accentuated through form and movement. Born and raised in
Sugar Land, TX, Rachel’s work is greatly influenced by her training in dance
and art. She currently attends Texas State University where she is working
toward a BFA in Photography.

Untitled from 'Embodiment'
Digital photography

Untitled from 'Embodiment'
Digital photography

Untitled from 'Disposition'
35mm Photography

Untitled from 'Disposition'
35mm Photography

Portrait of Carina Alvarez

Carina Alvarez


Carina Alvarez is a latinx photographer from Winnie, TX and is
currently based in San Marcos, TX. Growing up in her latinx household,
Carina had struggled to embrace her identity as a latinx woman by
rebelling against the traditional conservative latinx society. She uses
her background to create and explore more about her roots while
simultaneously growing out of her comfort zone to explore body
positivity within the latino society. Carina is set to graduate from Texas
State University with her BFA in Photography in May 2021.

Digital photography

Digital photography

Digital photography

Portrait of Chantal Lesley

Chantal Lesley

Chantal is a conceptual photographer who is a half German, half Peruvian woman and grew up on a Mexican American border town. Feeling stretched between four cultures has led to a strong interest in issues of multiculturalism and identity in her work. Just Say Vagina is a series of collages that address the taboo subject of the vagina and how the many nicknames that are given to it to avoid “vulgarity” actually reinforce the negative connotations associated with it. Chantal is set to graduate with a BFA in Fine Art Photography from Texas State in Spring 2021.

Just Say Vagina - Fish Just Say Vagina - Flower
Collage, 8" x 8"Collage, 8" x 8"
Just Say Vagina - JewelJust Say Vagina - Kitty
Collage, 8" x 8"Collage, 8" x 8"
Portrait of Averi Perry

Averi Perry


Averi (Aves) Perry is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer
working in Central Texas whose work primarily concentrates on
themes of perception and perspective, alter-ego and theatrical
expression. Utilizing years of experience studying and working in
the realms of theatre and studio artistry, this photographic series
highlights details of beauty in death. Aves is currently completing a
double major BFA in Photography and Theatre with a concentration
in Performance and Production.

Beauty is Pain
Moriturism Series, 2020
Digital photography

Moriturism Series, 2020
Digital photography

Moriturism Series, 2020
Digital photography

The Beauty Bone
Moriturism Series, 2020
Digital photography

Portrait of Haley McGough

Hayley McGaugh

Studio Art - Ceramics

My grotesque and theatrical ceramic works represent this vulnerable,
empathetic, and utterly strange human experience; putting a lens on
that which we work so hard to hide. I want to create a moment of
tenderness and empathy for the viewer. Give permission to the
strangeness that is being human and existing in these alien bodies.
Performance and photography are a part of my practice, often
incorporating clay to connect sculpture and human body, using
saturated color, lighting, and focus on texture to achieve my
conceptual goals. Inspired by my conservative upbringing in the
Texas panhandle, I explore breaking those binds and putting a lens
on that which we work so hard to hide.

And I willkeep this fragileBodyso tender and softsafe beneaththese distortedreflections ofSelf

Address , 2020

Split , 2020

***Distort ***, 2020

***Cloud ***, 2020